Finally I have uploaded my DLR Pad application on CodePlex. I have delayed the upload due to two main reasons. First was the new version of Bookvar that we shipped yesterday (unfortunately the final code of the DLR Pad is not yet integrated into Bookvar, but this will happen in the next release). The second reason is that I wanted to refactor some of the code and make provider model for the available languages.
Show me your DLR language
As you just read DLR Pad now has a provider based architecture that will allow any DLR language to be added on the fly. What you need to do is just to write a new DynamicLanguneEngine implementation and override a single property that returns the appropriate ScriptEngine. For example here is the IronPython's implementation:
internal class IronPythonLanguageEngine : DynamicLanguageEngine
public override ScriptEngine ScriptEngine
get { return PythonEngine.CurrentEngine; }
Also you will need edit the config file to add your language implementation:
name="IronPython" description="IronPython engine."
type="Avaxo.Scripting.IronPythonLanguageEngine, Avaxo.Scripting" />
For now only IronPython and IronRuby are added by default. However if you want you can register some other language - for example IronScheme (IronLisp) or Smalltalk. In the future when VBX and the new managed JavaScript implementation become available they can also be added to the DLR Pad.
Feel free to download DLR Pad and have fun with it. In my next post I will show you how go wild with it.
I want to say one more thing here.
CodePlex & SvnBridge rocks!
I have been using CodePlex previously for my InfoCardControl. As you may know CodePlex is using TFS to hold the source code. Till recently the most appropriate way to check-in source code was the Team Explorer extension for Visual Studio. Unfortunately I have uninstalled VS 2005 along with the Team Explorer and start to use VS 2008 only. So I have to install Team Explorer this time for VS 2008. And oh man its file size is 387 MB. So while downloading I decided to try the SvnBridge developed by the guys from CodePlex. And magically it worked. The tool is only 427 KB and basically sits between your local svn versioned files and remote TFS. Every svn operation you execute gets it mimic into TFS one. Combined with TortoiseSVN and you are ready to go to space :) I encourage anyone to try SVN Update DLR Pad for himself to see the SvnBridge in action.
That's it for now. Stay tuned as I will show you how to do crazy stuff with DLR Pad.
P.S.: Any comment about the code is welcome and encouraged.
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