Hello dear readers. If you don't know me my name is Stefan Dobrev. I'm a software developer situated in Bulgaria. In this post I will introduce myself and what will this blog be about.
Are you a newbie blogger?
No. I have start blogging 2 years ago. My first blogging place was the .Text blogging engine that I have setup for my company Vizibility. Then the .Text engine was ported to Community Server, because .Text was abounded. You can still find old blog here, but as I'm no longer part of Vizibility I will stop maintaining it and start blogging here.
What will you blog about?
As on my previous blog I will blog about about .NET related technologies. In particular all the latest and the greatest stuff from the .NET universe - all W*F (mainly about WTF :) I will also blog about software development as a whole. What bugs me or I find of great interest will be reflected here as well.
Where did your experience come from? Are you writing some software currently?
Yep. We (my team and I) are in a process of writing mind mapping application using all these great technologies. It is called Bookvar and you can find more info about it on Bookvar's blog, where I also blog. Our mission is not only to create the best mind mapping software, but to popularize mind mapping idea, so everyone (including you) can benefit from it.
Enough for (re)introduction. Stay tuned for more.
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Good luck!
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